
Stereotypical image of some HTML because it’s a links page.

Whether you’re losing your vision or you lost most of it years ago and never really came to terms with it, you shouldn’t feel like you have to go through this alone. There are many ways to help you achieve the every day tasks that you may have thought were long gone; or maybe you’ve been thinking you’d never work again.

Here’s a list of links and resources that we think may help. Let us know if you think of anything we should have on here. We aim to make this a living list that keeps growing.

Localised help

National help


Desktop computers

Information about accessibility features built into desktop operating systems.

Mobile devices

Information about accessibility features built into mobile operating systems.

Screen readers

As well as built-in screen readers, there are also some others available.

Screen magnifiers

As well as built-in screen magnifiers, there are also some others available.

Braille keyboards

Career advice

If you haven’t already got a list of bad websites or annoying things that web developers do to annoy blind and visually-impaired people, you’ll get there soon enough. Our advice to you is this: learn their job and become accessibility consultants.

Too many of them have never even used a screen reader or a screen magnifier, which is why a lot of websites don’t work very well. By learning some basics yourself, you can become familiar with the right ways to do things. You can become very employable with these skills.

Here are some links to courses that can help you attain these goals. They are all free.

Web development basics

W3C know a lot about the World Wide Web, so learning about how to build for it from them is a great starting point.

CS50 path

Take a Computer Science 101 at Stanford before graduating from Harvard. All at home.

User Experience


Command line and Perl

Knowing how to use a command line is really handy. I’m linking Emily’s video just because it’s really cool to see how people adapt their workflow.


We aim to add links to articles about how to use various bits of tech to help you continue to do the things you used to do before your sight failed.